Brand Strategy

World-class brand strategy isn't just for breakfast cereals anymore.

Branding is for startups to raise a first round, for intrapreneurial divisions buried in F100 behemoths, and for go-getting leaders.

A brand is much more than a color palette, logo and even a name. Your brand is experienced through everything you do. Brand is product, it’s tone, vibe, attitude, personality. BKW can help you define how you  launch or re-brand by exploring core questions of what your brand brings to the world, why it exists, and how the world would be poorer without it. This creates brands that stand out, are iconic and, most importantly, are truly meaningful. Start your brand strategy project now.

Never, ever be whatever

Stand for something that matters to the people who matter to you. And then don’t be afraid to stand out. 

Branding Dwellsy

Dwellsy is the new national brand for the US’ 110 million renters. BKW joined with the company early on to help them define and set their brand. Today they are the #1 site with more listings than any competitor.

Branding a High-Growth Nonprofit

Worldreader works globally with partners to support vulnerable and underserved communities with digital reading solutions that help improve learning outcomes, workforce readiness, and gender equity. BKW was there at the beginning, before Worldreader was even registered as a 401c3. We designed their first, second and third website which set the tone for the brand long term.  And we created content for Worldreader’s many fans to share—like this Margaret Atwood tweet.

Branding BigFix

When BKW (then operating as Rassak Experience) was introduced to BigFix’s CEO by a board member, they asked us to help the company take creative risk. To help them get noticed in a landscape where their brand was crowded out by massive competitors. We did. Among other brand-setting and brand-building efforts, we created both the the Software Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Ray Hopewood for President campaigns. The CEO credited us with “putting the brand on the map.” BigFix was acquired by IBM in a successful exit.



BKW was asked by startup Assistly to help brand them—and then rebrand them as they were acquired by Salesforce and became