A Clever Contest

Check out this contest from one of my favorite upstart brands, Enda Sportswear.

Runners who “draw” the best images via GPS as they run on the Strava app can win a new shoe Enda just launched. The contest is well-targeted. Check out this entry.

I will reach out to the Enda team to see if they want to talk about the contest — how they came up with the idea, how it’s going, etc. If there are any learnings. If they are down for talking, I’ll update this post or write a new one.

BTW, I got my first pair of Endas on Kickstarter. And since have bought a pair of shoes and a tee-shirt on their website. I’m currently coveting the shirt on the right below.

P.S. check out this Instagram account of Strava art unrelated to the contest.

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Made me smile, made me grrrrr

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