Let’s Make a Movie Together

I just got off the phone with somebody in California who wants to involve several people in the making of a video. The contributors will be all over the world… and he wants it to be very easy for them to upload VIDEO, AUDIO or STILL IMAGES that he can then ultimately edit into a finished piece. This blog post is nothing more than a way to test out one tool that might suit his purpose. It’s called Kaltura. Their tagline is ‘creating together”. If you are interested, please add either video, audio or photos to what I have got going on below — DON’T WORRY ABOUT CONTENT, THIS IS A TECHNICAL AND WORKFLOW EXPERIMENT, NOT AN OPUS IN THE MAKING.

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player
I have set this up so that only Dylan, Ben and I can edit the final piece, but it CAN be set-up (with a flip of one switch) so that anybody can edit as well. I’m curious to see how this works out. Gracias.

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