Hey, That’s Not Me… Mixx’s Funny Approach to User Behavior Prompts

Here’s a nice example of a website doing something different to achieve their goals. Mixx is a news/info/photo/link  sharing site. Like most sites they know they will get better results if people SEE THEMSELVES in the site and if their friends and colleagues see them too.People are more likely to use the site, link to and from the site etc..

Most websites today that ask one to register and upload a photo are pretty humdrum in their appeal. They have a generic photo if you don’t upload your own, they might have a little bar telling you what percentage of your profile you’ve filled out, etc.

Facebook's not hugely inspiring prompt
Facebook’s prompt

Mixx is mixing it up. Here’s how they’re gently encouraging me to fill out my profile. A smart underdog move.

I am more attractive and am not into unicorns
Ensalada Mixxto

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