Meredith’s Big Check

My friend Meredith Arthur is  a self-described over-thinker. She’s  a doer too though… so she created a social network for her fellow “sufferers” called Beautiful Voyager. Here’s a map showing where the world’s over thinkers live, work — and think.

Anyway… Meredith recently created and sold (out of) the first Beautiful Voyager t-shirt. Meredith’s plan was to send proceeds from shirt sales to Girls Write Now — an org that hooks girls up with professional women writers for mentoring and more. And she did. Here’s the part that made me smile. Meredith wanted to make one of those huge, classic checks to show that her site was supporting Girls Write Now. You know, like this:

Or ALL of these.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Been there. Seen that.

So instead of making the check big, Meredith made the people small. That’s not over thinking. That’s the perfect amount.

BTW, the tee-shirt:


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