I’m kind of blown away by something… the number of brands that talk about the concept of friendship in their branding…
… and who don’t play this up (at all!!) in social networks.

Some examples…
If you have ever lived in a market where the jewelery retailer Shane Co. operates (some 14 U.S. states) you have likely heard the voice of Tom Shane. Shane & Co. have been ubiquitous radio ad buyers for a long long time and their slogan is likely therefore seared into the memories of a large percentage of the population.
Their slogan, said at the end of each ad in Shane’s down home soothing voice is “Now You Have a Friend in the Diamond Business.”
Can you think of a company with a more natural opportunity to create a presence in social networks as a form of community building, of marketing, of advertising? And yet It’s not possible to be Tom Shane’s friend on Facebook. It is possible to be a fan of Shane & Co. on Facebook now. But there is no mention of or attempt to play with the fact that they have been offering up his friendship for years while now there is an entire generation smack in their demographic that is “friending” online.
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. the TV show has close to two million fans on their Facebook page. Also… no creative attempt to merge into the cultural lexicon of social media. Sure the show’s in syndication but still people are making real $ off it and need to promote it.
The U.S. Department of Transportation has, for years, been saying “Friends Don’t Let Friend’s Drive Drunk”… a key audience for them are Facebook users. A real opportunity here.
Cox Communications: “Now You Have a Friend in the Digital Age”. Again… nothing.
Fly the Friendly Skies. United Airlines. They still use this slogan at times, created by Leo Burnett in 1966 (the year I was born, btw) Nothing.

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