Gorgeous Google Video

Product videos don’t get much better than this one—for Google’s Project Starline. And this isn’t quite even a product yet. As Google says, it’s a “new technology we’ve been developing.”

The emotion in the voices and faces of the women upfront is raw and real. A lot of companies are afraid to embrace this level of emotion — especially in a product/tech video. They shouldn’t be. It opens the viewer up.

The actual conversations between people using the tech are amazing. Very real. Seemingly totally unscripted. That’s another thing companies are often afraid of—not having a script. Save for very specific situations, we don’t use scripts at BKW. Because the end result is often stilted, forced. It’s much better to go in with a good plan and some prompts, let the subjects forget there are cameras around—and watch the magic unfold. Then choose the best bits in the editing process.

The simple description by the Google team of the new technologies at play is good. As are the abstract graphical approach used to illustrate this. I am certain the tech is much, much more complicated than this. It took discipline to choose just the right bits to focus on.

It’s great they featured sign language. It is inclusive. It also highlights the power of the technology.

The “that was mind blowing” line at 1:33 is incredible. Her timing is amazing. They way she kinda stretches out the line.

Read more about Project Starline.

And h/t to my old boss Allan Thygesen who shared this on his social media.

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