Homage to the Online Newspaper Documentary Slideshow

From the Wall Street Journal Documentary Slideshow

Video, video, video. It is inescapable on the web. Apparently 10 hours of new video is uploaded to YouTube every one minute.

The Wall Street Journal yesterday reminded me though of a love affair I have had for a while with a slightly lower-tech (I suppose) form of online multimedia — the slide show documentary. The picture is from the slideshow.

The good ones (the New York Times has loads of them) can be highly emotional, highly communicative —  in a word, incredible.

The Journal published a slide show documentary yesterday about an “airline” the U.S. government runs to deport illegal immigrants. Currently they “offer” three flights a day to Guatemala. The Journal’s slideshow was heartbreaking to me in way that most online “content” usually is not.

The New York Times’ “multimedia” page has links to many of their slideshows as well as a search function. One NYT slideshow I don’t think I’ll ever forget, followed an assisted suicide in Oregon. I can’t seem to find it there anymore though else I’d give a link.

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